These 12 loads, pushed by TVT's Nick G. Buford, are aimed toward Lock 6 on the Upper Mississippi, southbound. Riverview's Mrs. P. has faced up to the head of the tow. This maneuver is utilized on occasion, when the assist boat crew needs to make a quick move toward Lock 7, for example. Once the Mrs. P and the first 6 barges are in the chamber, deckhands will tie them to the wall, then untie the back half of the tow (six barges and the Buford). When that first half has dropped to Pool 7 level, Mrs. P. will pull the head six along the lower wall and out of the chamber (this is a little faster than the normal routine of the barges being flushed out of the chamber). When the head six barges are tied to the lower wall, Mrs. P. will detach from them and head down the river. All very efficient but not particularly fast.