Cottage Archaeology

Adventures in rehabbing a 50-something cottage.

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Name: Mike Yuhas
Location: Wisconsin, Land o' Cows, United States

Editor emeritus pro tem

Sunday, September 23, 2007

More on the floor

Under the floor, to be precise.

This first photo depicts the vinyl flooring found underneath the wood-like veneer and padding in the kitchen:

The small dots resembling bullet holes were where the nails went through. The nails were holding down a layer (and in some areas of the floor, many layers) of padding.

Underneath the vinyl was this colorful linoleum sheet flooring:

Perhaps one of these would make a nice background to this blog?


Fuzzy said...

When I saw that vinyl flooring, I thought, "Hey, that looks familiar... Where did I have flooring like that?"

Then it came to me... The old farmhouse that I rented on 76th Street in Raymond! Man, I miss that old house. Seems to have suffered from plenty of deferred maintenance just like your cottage...! Nice to hear that the cottage is seeing a better fate!

September 27, 2007 11:56 AM  

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