Cottage Archaeology

Adventures in rehabbing a 50-something cottage.

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Name: Mike Yuhas
Location: Wisconsin, Land o' Cows

Editor emeritus pro tem

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Just about done

Everything's slowed down considerably here at the cottage, and with good reason: We're done. No, we're not so naive to think we'll ever actually be done, as in for always and forever, but for the most part, we can now proudly hoist the MISSION ACCOMPLISHED banner and be secure in the knowledge that we've officially closed out this phase of our cottage rehabilitation project.

Why, just look at the kitchen:

... and compare to the kitchen we moved in to:


Blogger Fuzzy said...


So, when do we get to come for a visit...??? LOL!

May 9, 2008 12:42 AM  
Blogger Brickhouse said...

Kitchen looks great, Mike!

May 28, 2008 11:30 AM  

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